Things REALTORS® Kids Say

Kids of Realtors

Since the holiday season is upon us, I thought I’d share some funny personal kids antics, and particularly as I’ve spent the past couple days helping my sister shop for a home! And well, since my boys are out of school, they’ve been drug along for the “fun”. They aren’t afraid to share their opinions…”we like the one with the open space in front, so when we visit her we can play outside”. But the funnier one was, “I’m glad she chose that one, it has the upgraded appliances she was looking for, and the built-in microwave that none of the other ones had”…it’s just funny out if the mouth of a 10-year-old. Kids are so observant and listening even when we don’t think they are. 

I got this one from teammate, Nicole Happel….after driving with her daughter for a bit to an area her daughter was unfamiliar with, she looked up from what she was doing and asked Nicole where they were. Nicole responded (No, I won’t be telling you where.) To which her daughter said “why would anyone want to live here?”

From Nicole again. Our kids often overhear our negotiations and contract discussions, because we’re always working, often driving them to and from school, extracurricular activities, etc. Well, Nicole was discussing a roof repair with her client and the other REALTOR® in a series of phone calls. Her daughter politely waited for her to finish her call and asked “doesn’t home owners insurance cover that repair?” Ha! 

Several years ago when we were a team in a large office, I brought my boys by to show off their adorable Halloween costumes. As we rode up in the elevator, my oldest (who was 4 or 5-years-old at the time) told me “these are really nice granite tile floors mommy.”… Seriously, what little kids care about that, but a Realtor’s?! 

Comments like these often make us wonder if our kids will follow in our real estate foot steps….a truly scary, but fun thought. There are, after all plenty of parent-child teams in our business…our broker’s daughter works with us! I can see my youngest son building or flipping houses with me someday….but who knows?!