So You Married a REALTOR®



So you thought, sure, it would be great if my spouse is a REALTOR®… they’ll have a flexible schedule and be able to help pick up kids from school and have occasional lunch dates… and then you realize the unfortunate truth.

* It’s pretty likely you’ll be stood up on dates, because well, somebody walked into the office at 5:30pm to see 4 houses and of course write an offer… which is probably a competing offer, so we need to do it RIGHT NOW! 

* “I’ll be home in 10-15 minutes”… actually means 30-45… or more (see above)

* Your spouse will be going to strangers’ homes at all hours of the day to show them to other strangers… but it’s fine… equipped with a stun gun (or in some cases, we actually carry)

* Some of these “strangers” might just become our new BFFs, so be prepared to have awkward meals at random so we can figure out which ones will be lifelong friends. 

* We’ll also be spending our money.. or ya know, financing again some marketing materials so we can tell all our current friends that “I’m becoming the best REALTOR® in the world, wanna help me get started?”

* And we’ll be using this beautiful car (which should always be clean despite also carting my family in it and living on a dirt road) to drive to the nice homes all over town… oh, but also on the dirt roads of Woodland Park and Peyton properties. (it’s fine, we’ll be able to write off that mileage!) ** full disclosure, that’s not our Camaro, but I’d take it

* All REALTORS® “need” the classiest cars… even though we aren’t making money when we start out, so we’ll just finance everything, write it off in the hopes of striking it rich. 

* Plus I’ll be gone for networking events in the evenings / weekends and volunteering whenever I can to help my community… “so you can get the kids today, right?…and next Tuesday… and Friday…?”

* Not only that, but this computer that I’m typing on (financed too, right?) will be on my lap while we watch TV in the evenings… and I’ll check my smart phone for offer responses as soon as I get up in the morning, plus whenever else I’m not eating with my family. 

* Also, we’ll be insanely particular about pronouncing REAL-TOR correctly…. some more than others. 

* When we have kids (we’ll have time, really!)… they will learn fun real estate terminology like granite tile inlay (from my eldest son when he was 4-yrs-old) or the important difference between offer & contract… and the difference between a listing and selling broker. I laughed when my sick boy went with me after school drop of and he was excited to “see what I do after you drop us off”.. like it’s ever that same.. HA!

* I’ll sometimes refer to our adorable additions as my little assistants when they have to accompany me on an appointment, thankfully not too often. 

* When sellers can’t make it home, I’ll occasionally open the house, set security systems, walk their adorable dogs (no I don’t do cats because of allergies 😉 ), and re-secure properties. 

I know… lots of sarcasm and funny… but this business is seriously nutty at times. Thank God I have the most amazing, faithful husband on the planet. After 14 years he might kinda sorta be used to the craziness.