Joe Boylan loves nerds! Stick him and a nerd in a room together and there is no getting a word in edge-wise. Find a nerd who loves football, and it's all over, sit and watch it all unfold. Joe is the impetus behind the technology and marketing side of the company. He is constantly trying new things and on the forefront of technology.
Joe shares Jennifer's love of music and helping kids grow through music. He is active in Colorado Springs Youth Symphony's Ovation Youth Orchestra and is well known for his tuba performances. He loves those big shiny grunt horns! Between giving youth lessons, practicing for his Brass Band and doing guest appearances, there is a lot of tuba in the Boylan house. Poor Jennifer!
Springs Homes is Jennifer's baby, but Joe was instrumental in the building the crucial foundation. Joe developed the website in 1997 when it wasn't even cool. He loves technology and his favorite thing is to keep Springs Homes at the leading edge. Just don't tell Jennifer that he has the company credit card!