Fears and Worries of Home Buyers



Have you, or someone you know, been considering purchasing a home but the associated worries seem to be too overwhelming? Here are a few thoughts that should hopefully help alleviate those concerns.

b2ap3 large one Worried about the associated costs required to purchase a home? Worried that you will not be able to take vacations or go out to dinner or plan for retirement because all of your current savings will be drained? DON’T BE. In this day and age, it is relatively inexpensive to purchase a home. VA loans require no down payment, and FHA loans require only a 3.5% down payment, and there are programs out there now that offer either down payment assistance or even down payment grants! Concerned about your closings costs? DON’T BE! Most savvy real estate professionals can get the Seller to pay your closing costs for you during the negotiation process!

b2ap3 icon twoWorried you might not ever find a home you really like? First and foremost….don’t settle, on a mediocre home, or on a mediocre real estate professional. If you work with the right real estate broker, they will take as long as you need until you find the home that is perfect for you. If you are feeling rushed or pressured by a real estate professional to hurry up and buy something, find another real estate professional! You deserve the time, patience, and respect that is needed to help you with perhaps the biggest purchase of your life!

b2ap3 icon threeWorried about buying a home that will have tons of repairs that are found only after you purchase it? Completely legitimate concern, but it can be alleviated two fold. A. Hire a professional home inspector to inspect your home prior to closing. A home inspector’s job is to make sure you know every possible thing, both good and bad, about the home. A home inspector can also give you an idea of how much certain bigger repair items might cost so that you can go back to the Seller and ask them to correct the issue(s) before closing. B. Purchase a home warranty that can potentially cover costly home repairs and replacements due to normal wear and tear after you have closed on your new home. (A home warranty is a separate contract that covers repairs and replacements on systems in your home and coverage typically lasts for a one year period).

b2ap3 icon fourWorried that it is cheaper to rent than own? In most areas of the United States, it currently is not, and for Colorado Springs specifically, it definitely is not. If you are fairly certain that you will be in one place for at least three years, it just makes sense to purchase versus rent. Think about it this way: Rent money literally disappears, and you are not able to build ANY equity like you would with owning a home. Rent money pays your landlord’s mortgage not your own. Rent money does not allow you vital federal tax deductions that come with owning a home. If in true doubt, use a rent vs. buy calculator to crunch the numbers or contact a local real estate professional for more insight.

Fear of the unknown causes quite a few of us to not make potentially good decisions. It is okay to be afraid, and it is definitely okay to ask questions…a lot of them! I am always here to answer your questions and even the ones that you may not even know that you have…I am ready when YOU are ready!